Financial Transparency Policy / F.A.Q.
Buffalo Niagara Spirit in the spirit of journalism believes in transparency. Below you’ll find frequently asked questions on the financial aspects of our operation, including how we handle donations. Contact us if you have a question that’s not addressed.
What is Buffalo Niagara Spirit?
Buffalo Niagara Spirit Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) that promotes Buffalo & Western New York as a world-class destination for music, culture and education.
How does Buffalo Niagara Spirit fund its operation?
Through a combination of donations, grants, underwriting and the sale of content to media partners.
How do we use our funds?
We use our funds to cover the costs associated with creating multimedia content for artists that can be shared with the world through the web and social media. We also provide support and sponsorships to events that fulfill our mission and are building educational tools to teach people how to be advocates for the communities they live in.
So what’s in it for donors?
You’ll have the satisfaction of helping to build a vital community institution that provides Buffalo and Western New York with a positive voice for the arts while promoting the vast amounts of talented artists and individuals throughout Western New York.
How can I donate?
Donations can be made with a credit card online or by writing a check made out to Buffalo Niagara Spirit Inc. and mailing it to us at 1322 Brighton Rd. Tonawanda, NY 14150.
We accept one-time or sustaining donations. We especially encourage sustaining donations—ongoing, automatic contributions through secure monthly payments—because sustaining members provide dependable funding and reduce administration costs.
Are donations tax-deductible?
Yes. Buffalo Niagara Spirit is a fully accredited and licensed 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, ensuring that contributions by U.S.taxpayers are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.