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Rock Rap & Register

What is Rock Rap & Register

Rock Rap & Register is a non-partisan voter registration drive that was started in 2004 by co-founders Marc Odien and Dewitt Lee through WNYmedia Network.  Our event in 2004 was one of the first public event held in Buffalo Central Terminal and featured a day full of music, informational tables, voter registration drive and civic participation.     Due to the importance of this years Presidential election, we decided to bring the event back and expand its reach both offline and virtually.

Due to COVID restrictions in 2020, we have changed the event from a one-day mega event to a month-long part virtual /part offline series of events for the purpose of registering as many people to vote before the October 9th deadline.


How Does It Work

On Saturday September 5th we will release a schedule of month-long music, sports and civic events across WNY that will be live-streamed. Details of alls events can be found on our events page.

During our online virtual events, we have teamed up with headcount.org, whose website and organization is specifically designed to get people registered to vote quickly and efficiently.

During our offline events, volunteers will be available to register people to vote, allow people to register for absentee ballots (due to COVID) , and more importantly, make sure your registration details are current and up to date.

In addition to the virtual events, there will be registration locations across Buffalo and WNY. Volunteers will also be registering people to vote at various events across WNY through various businesses and organizations committed to getting people registered to vote.


Who Is Involved And How Do We Sign Up to Help?

We have a long list of supporting sponsors and organizations taking part in this year’s events that you can find under the supporting organization’s tab in the menu of the website. We have also partnered with national organizations and events like Headcount.org and National Voter Registration Day (Sept. 22nd)

If your business or organization would like to be a registration location or would like to add a voter registration event to the Rock Rap & Register Calendar, You may do so by emailing us here or fill out the contact form below